piste da sci

Authentic flavors of the Ladin tradition,
tasty and abundant dishes, typical of the mountains.
Come and try our cuisine!

Book now+39 389 92 50 173

Opening time:

from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00 to 22:00

Closed on Tuesday

El Tobià restaurant

Our restaurant offers you the authentic flavors of the Ladin tradition,
tasty, abundant and typical mountain dishes.

We recommend booking a few days in advance.


El Tobià restaurant ... the choice of this classic Ladin name, which means barn, was dictated by the desire for a return to the origins: right here, in the 1950s, there was an old barn owned by the family, by grandfather Carlo and of grandmother Marietta.

Back in August 1968, El Tobià accidentally caught fire, burned completely. The flames were so high and the heat of the fire so strong that it blew up the windows of the cars parked in front of it, up to 50 meters away. Just think that, to put out the fire, all the water from the outdoor swimming pool of the nearby Hotel Rosa was used. Hence the decision of our grandparents to build in its place an annex of the family pension, Pension Vigo, the current Hotel Vigo managed since 1950. Inside the building there was also a grocery store of the Val di Fassa Cooperative Family.

At the end of July 1987 the latter was transformed into a bar-ice cream parlor, managed by our parents and by us children until 2013, when we decided to undertake the business that our grandmother first opened in the town center, over the years in where tourism was in its infancy.

With the memory of the dishes that she prepared for us with love, we want to offer you the flavors of the past which, even today, are present on the tables of the families of our Ladin valley. These dishes represent for us an important piece of history, culture, tourism and tradition, to be preserved and handed down. Hoping that they will affect the taste of your palate, we wish you all a good appetite and a pleasant warm moment, first to live and then to remember!


Always, the food and the table,
bring people together ...

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